Custom Creations

A one of a kind wedding garter
"Something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue to remember you" - just one of a recently made custom request for a friend's daughter's wedding.
Please contact me for details and pricing.

Waistcoat makeover
Boring to WOW ! Some old cartoon ties add pizzazz to a boring waistcoat for a night out in London.
(Requires ties and waistcoat - Please see the shop for more details)
Ashlee x
I'll be adding more interesting items to Keep Me Close Creations soon and if you have any suggestions or ideas of something that you may like me to create for you or someone close to you, please email me at ashlee@keepmeclosecreations.co.uk and I'll see what I can do.
The important thing to remember is that it must be something that will make you or someone close feel wonderful!
Make your heart sing!